Monday, December 30, 2019

What egg freezing, learning stipends, and ClassPass all have in common

What egg freezing, learning stipends, and ClassPass all have in commonWhat egg freezing, learning stipends, and ClassPass all have in commonWith unemployment at historic lows and employees leaving their jobs or even ghosting them for greener pastures, companies are getting creative with perks to retain the employees they have and attract new ones. And with good reason cheaper than cash, they tend to provide that much sought-after work-life balance.But companies have been tailoring their perks towards specific groups of people its not just one-size-fits-all on-site gyms or even free meals anymora.1. Cherry lets startup employees choose their own perksInstead of handing out a standard perks package that only a few people use, Slackbot marketplace Cherry is letting employees take their pick of the benefits they get from their company, reports TechCrunch. Options arent standard try pricey workout subscriptions like ClassPass and Peloton, food delivery services like Postmates, and crea ture comforts like Netflix and Spotify Premium.CEO Gillian OBrien told TechCrunch that companies were wasting money and could save by just giving everyone this budget and letting them choose perks for themselves.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more2. A select few employers will help you pay off your student loansIts a great perk if you work at the handful of companies that are offering loan repayment, says Fast Company. Unfortunately, only about 4% of companies do this. Other employers, however, offer cheaper, yet still helpful, options, like student loan consolidation and refinancing. According to a survey of 5,000 Millennials by LaSalle Network, what they want the most from their benefits package is direct financial help, either in the form of a 401k with a company match or student loan assistance.3. Learning stipends are a hot perk because they promote career growthMoney that yo u use to grow and learn is very attractive, reports Forbes. The more you know, the more it adds to your skill set and potential career growth. Always wanted to learn SEO? Wouldnt it be nice if your company paid for a course so you could add it to your resume or use it to help get a promotion?4. Companies fight to retain new moms with posh perksIf theyre not given support by their job, new mothers are in danger of dropping out of the workforce. Inc. reports that some companies have stepped up to back them to the max during that crucial time, with perks like breast milk shipping for moms on business travel. Qualcomm offers discounts on the teched-out Snoo crib that lets the infant and the mother sleep, and Patagonia offers paid travel for caregivers for mothers on business trips.5. Kindbody is a low-cost fertility startup offering egg freezing and IVF to companies who want to offer it as an employee perkFreezing your eggs typically costs $10,000, and the founders of Kindbodys missi on is to make it more affordable for both private individuals and the companies who use their egg freezing services as an employee benefit, according to Inc. Theyve got the cost down to $6,000 currently.Perks keep people happy and encourage work-life balance. In some cases, they may just be the tipping point on whether to stay or go. As companies know too well, losing people is expensive according to Harvard Business Review, replacing an employee who leaves costs about 21% of their annual pay.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius

Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius, one of Europes elite theoretical physicists, was born in Kslin, Poland, in 1822. He received an excellent education, both at a small private school his father founded and Gymnasium in Stettin (now Szczecin, Poland), from which he graduated in 1840, at age 18. By all accounts he was a popular, well-respected student. His brother Robert wrote that all intimate with him learnt to esteem his reliability and truthfulness... The greatest confidence and trust were placed in him. His judgment was highly valued.Clausius enrolled at the University of Berlin, where he studied mathematics and physics with other students who became noted scientists, including Gustav Magnus, Jakob Steiner, and Johann Dirichlet. After graduating in 1844, he attended the University of Halle, where he received his doctorate in 1847 for studying the optical effects of the Earths atmosphere. His thesis proposed that the multip le colors of the sky were a result of the refraction and reflection of light.In 1850, the year Clausius was appointed professor of physics in the royal artillery and engineering school at Berlin, his first paper on the mechanical theory of heat was published. Entitled On the Moving Force of Heat and the Laws of Heat which May Be Deduced Therefrom, the paper explained his advanced ideas on heat and work, including the discrepancies he thought existed between Carnots principle and the concept of conservation of energy.In all cases where work is produced by heat, a quantity of heat proportional to the work done is expended and inversely, by the expenditure of a like quantity of work, the same amount of heat may be produced, he wrote.Clausius also stated the assumptions supporting the popular concept of caloric theory were wrong and redefined the two laws of thermodynamics to overcome this contradiction. He also provided explanations of the nature of free heat and latent heat. This pape r drew considerable attention and greatly elevated his standing in the scientific community.From 1855 to 1867 he served as professor of physics at ETH Zrich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zrich. These 12 years were a tremendously productive time for Clausius. He expanded the existing gas-kinetic model and provided a theoretical framework that explained translational, rotational, and vibrational molecular motions. He also introduced the concept of mean free path.In 1865, Clausius presented the first mathematical explanation for the concept of entropy, which he also named. One of his tenets was entropy can never decrease in a physical process and can only remain constant in a reversible process. He also stated the First and Second Laws of thermodynamics in the following forms 1) The energy of the universe is constant, and 2) the entropy of the universe tends to a maximum.Living in Bonn in 1870, Clausius organized an ambulance corps of Bonn students to serve in the Franc o-Prussian War. He was wounded in battle, leaving him with constant pain and a lasting disability. He was awarded the Iron Cross for his services at the battles of Vionville and Gravelotte. In 1875 his wife died in childbirth, leaving him to raise their six children alone. Although he continued to teach, his health issues and parenting responsibilities left him less time for research. Clausius died in Bonn in 1888.Clausius brought a mathematical approach to solving some of the most challenging problems in molecular physics. His revaluation of Carnots groundbreaking work with steam engines to create a mathematical model for heat, as well as his concept of entropy, advanced the field of thermodynamics and laid a broad foundation for the next generation of scientists.Mark Crawford is an independent writer.In 1865, Clausius presented the first mathematical explanation for the concept of entropy, which he also named.

Friday, December 20, 2019

This CEO dyes her hair brown to be taken seriously

This CEO dyes her hair brown to be taken seriouslyThis CEO dyes her hair brown to be taken seriouslyTo be taken seriously at work by people in positions of power, women sometimes feel like they have to go to extreme lengths to conceal and modify their appearance - all to level the playing field in male-dominated industries. On Monday, Eileen Carey, the Silicon Valley CEO of Glassbreakers, shared one such story, tellingthe BBC that she dyes her blonde hair brunette and wears glasses, having received negative feedback about her looks.I was told for this raise of funds, that it would be to my benefit to dye my hair brown because there was a stronger pattern recognition of brunette women CEOs, she told the BBC, citing how business colleagues would compare her to Elizabeth Holmes, a blonde CEO whose failed blood-testing company is hemorrhaging millions to settle lawsuits.Carey noted that the first time she received this advice was from a woman in venture capital.Blondes considered less c ompetent at work in surveyResearch actually finds that theres a stronger pattern recognition with blonde, not brunette women, in corporate leadership positions. Almost half of female CEOs at SP 500 companies are blonde, according to a hair-color stereotyping study.But perhaps the business contacts giving this advice to Carey are alluding to a stereotype of blondes being more likable and less competent than brunettes - thats a leadership myth that continues to persist in the minds of some men. In a study where men were shown the same women with different-colored hair, men said that the blonde versions of the same women were less competent and independent, yet the blonde versions were perceived to be more warm and attractive.Dr. Jennifer Berdahl, one of the researchers in this study, called this bias the Glinda-the-Good-Witch effect, whereBarbie can be CEO as long as she is young and/or docile because blonde women are not only assumed to be younger than their darker haired counterpar ts, but are also judged to be less independent-minded and less willing take a stand than other women and than men.Berdahls analysis aligns with Careys personal experience.Being a brunette helps me to look a bit older and I needed that, I felt, in order to be taken seriously, Carey said, citing examples of being more likely to be flirted with at work when she had blonde hair.For me to be successful in this tech industry space, Id like to draw as little attention as possible, especially in any sort of sexual way, she said.Female tech CEOs face subjective criticism like this all the timeThe margin for error in any venture-capital-backed startup is razor-thin. But female entrepreneurs leading startups face additional hurdles from investors who question their ability and judgment and are less likely to look like them. In the U.S., women only make up an estimated 7% of all venture capitalists in charge of deciding if your startup will get the funds it needs to survive another day. A 2017 field study of venture capitalist interactions between male and female entrepreneurs found that female entrepreneurs were more likely to get asked how they would not lose while male entrepreneurs were asked how they would win. That difference in the framing of ideas led to female entrepreneurs getting less funding from investors.A recent experiment proved that identifying as a man can make all the difference in startup success. In a recent Fast Company article, Witchsyco-founders Penelope Gazin and Kate Dwyer said they noticed that clients were using a condescending tone of Okay, girls . . . and werent responding to emails in a timely manner. So they decided to see if adding a fictional male co-founder would make a difference. It did. Once Gazin and Dwyer introduced clients to a fictional male co-founder named Keith Mann, client interactions became much more productive.It would take me days to get a response, but Keith could not only get a response and a status update, but also be a sked if he wanted anything else or if there was anything else that Keith needed help with, Dwyer said.Carey and the Witchsy co-founders took actions to take back control of factors outside of their control, and succeeded. But having to regulate ones appearance for the sake of judgmental investors shows how limiting and insular the ideal startup leader is perceived to be.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Ways to build your career confidence in a month

Ways to build your career confidence in a monthWays to build your career confidence in a monthThat degree you paid too much money for, but are glad you have. The awards that take your resume to an impressive level. Your ability to not only meet a goal - but to exceed it. All of these hard skills are important facets of your job, but as career expert and author of Confidence Creator Heather Monahan, they dont hold a candle to one essential soft skill confidence. While plenty of professionals believe in their ability to execute their job effectively, if they dont outwardly bildschirm this sense of self, they could be missing out on a slew of opportunities.The difference between those that truly succeed and those that cant elevate themselves is their ability to rebuild their confidence, she explains. In your career, you will always be your most powerful when you own your unique voice and share it freely. This is how you will separate yourself from the sea of mediocrity around you.If you arent singing your own praises loud enough, dont worry - there are plenty of ways to supercharge your assurance with these helpful strategies from career experts. Best of all? Youll be feeling more secure in 30 days or lessTrack your progressMonahan says the first- and most vital- step to becoming a more brazen professional is to have a plan you can track over the course of a month. This practice doesnt have to be complicated or time-consuming, but it should illustrate how you improve and what you experience throughout the weeks. Monahan suggests asking yourself a simple question in the morning How is my confidence today?, and recording your honest response in a journal.On day 30, how do you want to see yourself? Is there an image at another time in your life where you felt very confident? Using that image as a goal for day 30 will help you to create the confidence you need. Writing each night during this month will be a helpful indicator to allow you to realize who you like spend ing time with and who may be trying to hold you back, she continues.Dream big - and put it in writingIt isnt just unternehmensverbund your head high and going for it. Cofounder and CEO of Goodwall Taha Bawa explains the ability to articulate your unique value will help you feel more solidified in your skill set. Over the month, he suggests taking time to chart your career path in an effort to take ownership of the direction youre moving in. Seeing the outline makes you more likely to push forward and achieve your goals.NetworkWhen youre going through a rough period in your rolleal life - whether a breakup, a death or any other traumatic event- your friends drag you out of the house so you free yourself from negative patterns and thoughts. Even though struggling with career confidence might not be quite as detrimental, co-founder of ArcVida Anna Hunter says networking can work wonders on your self-esteem. She explains when her clients start networking, having at least four conversa tions a week with various people engaged in their work, she sees an impressive boost in their sense of self.Each conversation leaves them feeling energized, which in turn gives them more energy to have additional conversations, she explains. The benefits are many not only does the person requesting the conversation learn about the other persons work or company, but they often hear their own skills and best qualities reflected back as the person asks them about their work.Find time to do what you loveNot everyone is lucky enough to do what they love day-in and day-out. And frankly, not everyone wants their passion to be their profession, and appreciate some separation from work and play. However, Monahan says finding time to routinely practice activities that fulfill your soul is essential to career confidence.If you find that you are happiest when you are painting but you dont get that opportunity at work, then it may be time to find a more creative career for you. Spend time doing things that ignite your passion and if you cant afford to do that now do it at night and on the weekends so you stoke your fire and build your confidence, she says.Wear clothes that make you feel attractiveTheres a reason the concept of a little black dress is so universal everyone knows what they feel like when theyre wearing something that suits them perfectly. Monahan notes how we dress and hold ourselves has an impact on our confidence - if were wearing something we are nervous about, we wont execute tall posture or put ourselves in the front of the conference room. It isnt just our clothes either - but anything thats external.Take the extra time to wear your best color, best outfit and clean your shoes, bag, and car, she urges.Eliminate negative people and energiesEspecially as we get older, its easy to pinpoint who brings positivity to your life and who well, stresses you out. Monahan says if the people around you bring you down, make you question yourself or overall, provid e a dark cloud over every conversation, its important to set boundaries. These people dont allow you to invest in yourself and the unique qualities that make you successful and special. Though this practice might feel selfish, it has a major impact on your self-perception.When you put yourself first and invest in yourself you will begin to feel how important you are. When you truly believe you are worthwhile, others will too, she explains. The sooner you can treat yourself well the sooner others will follow your lead. Realizing that we are showing people how to treat us is a powerful realization.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

6 Skills You Need to Know For Professional Growth in 2016

6 Skills You Need to Know For Professional Growth in 2016 6 Skills You Need to Know For Professional Growth in 2016 Dont let a lack of time stop you from learning both the technical and thesoft skillsyou need to boost your career. Check out these six tech skills that will help you boost your career andsucceed in 2016. Each one is fairly easy to learn and will do wonders for your resume.1.Project ManagementThe meat of project management is ensuring that collaborative efforts are productive, that scope is maintained, that communication is frequent and accurate, and that everything stays organized and documented. If you want to learn the basics quickly, your best bet is to master a few project management tools.Where to departureTodoistis a great beginner app that can help you keep projects on task. Plus, it allows for sharing tasks with others, so you can get the whole team on board.2. Writing CodeYou dont have to master coding or become savvy enough to whip or enterprise-level apps. Simply knowing a bit of HTML or JavaScript, for example, can help you make small modifications to your companys blog or website that will boost your SEO rankings and improve the user experience.Where to startPlaces likeW3SchoolsandCodecademyoffer free online tutorials in HTML, JavaScript, PHP, JQuery, and a variety of other programminglanguages.3.Visual DesignIf, every time someone shares an infographic on your Facebook feed, you think, Id like to do that, then youre onto something Blog posts and other forms of content that contain visual elements such as infographics or GIFs go viral much more frequently than posts that rely on text and simple images alone.Where to startOne of the best tools for learning to create infographics for free isPiktochart. Not only is it a snap to sign up, but there are also many tutorials on the website and lots of support available to you as you learn.4. WordPressWordPress is not the only content management system (CMS)out there. However, it is one of t he most popular, and probably your best option if you want to master a tool quickly. You can use WordPress to identify and execute your content marketing strategy, and it has multiple plugins and widgets that you can use for anything from eCommerce to hands-offcontent curation.Where to startThere is a nearlyendless variety ofWordPress tutorialsfor you to choose from. Your best bet is to find one that focuses on the specific skills you want to learn. abflug there, and then supplement your knowledgelater on with tutorials that addressother topics. You should be able to master the basics skills required to start aprofessionalwebsite in just a day or so.5. Social Media ManagementIn orderto effectively manage social media, youll need to develop a variety of skills that you can then use to create customer relationships, increase your Internet presence, promote your brand, and spark conversations. Skills like content writing optimizing and promotion, the ability to use various social media tools, and content curation will serve you well in this arena.Where to startBeginwith agreat guide from an industry leaderlike KISSmetrics cofounder Neil Patel. Then, check outthese social media mythsin order to learn more about what makes great social media content.6. PhotoshopIf you see an image in a magazine article or advertisement, it has probably been altered in some way by somebody using Photoshop.If you know how to use this tool, you cando a lot of great things, including- touch up yourphotographs- create original visual content for blog posts- and edit photos and other images for clarity and quality.Where to startThere are many image editing tools available, but Photoshop is the obvious choice. If you are unsure about making the somewhat hefty investment needed to purchase the tool, remember that you can download it for a 30-day trial. Once you have the program, you can check outthese tutorialsto get a handle on itin short order.Almost every company needs employees with th ese six skills. Boost your the power of your resume today, and you may just find yourself earning a bigger paycheck tomorrow.

Friday, December 6, 2019

What to Expect From Latin Honors on Resume?

What to Expect From Latin Honors on Resume? Success has to be sustained over time in practically all scenarios. Therefore understanding how to compose a resume is important. Your copywriting award may be impressive, but nevertheless, it wont assist you in a business analyst role. Latin Honors on Resume Help Employing an online resume builder is a straightforward and effective manner of writing a winning resume which will get you through the interview stage. Ultimately, youre most likely to be caught out, which usually means you stand no possibility of finding the job. During job applications, many organizations are still sticking to the standard procedure of reading resumes. When you have a great deal of work experience, its wise to incorporate any skilled awards on your resume to underline the fact your work was recognized for its excellence in a particular field. What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Latin Honors on Resume Additional courses in the department might be taken for abedrngnisher per-credit charge. Hiring hospitals and clinics wish to know whether youve got applicable abilities, outside the ivory tower. Students without current CPR with AED certification cant take part in their clinical experience that might lead to the failure of that experience and might delay graduation. You have to specify the courses you plan to take and the reason why they are important to you. In some instances, only a couple of students will get the summa cum laude designation upon graduating. They must be aware that several courses in the D.P.T. curriculum are required to complete the EXPH major, resulting in a delay in conferring the degree. They must be aware that several courses in the M.A.T.R. curriculum are required to complete the EXPH major, resulting in a delay in conferring the degree. Honors colleges are generally the perfect learning setting for ambitious university students, but there are a number of possible disadvantages that students ought to know of. Students have selected a wide selection of research topics over recent years. They will normally take one course in each language, though the program is designed to be flexible and to accommodate the needs and interests of the individual student. Interested students should speak to the DUS. Deans Letters arent issued or updated dependent on late adjustments to the academic record. You should have some questions, Taylor states. Students that are on the yearly Deans List get a certificate. Your Deans bro will be pleased to aid you with any questions you have regarding the graduation approach. If your school doesnt have a chapter, encourage your principal to understand how to begin a chapter. For instance, instead of saying, higher school student with superior grades, its much better to say, higher school student named to the honor roll three years in a row. Obviously, you should not constitute an honor thats an ethical violation and might lead to a severe penalt y. The high school edition of Lions Club is named Leo. Please be aware it will not be essential to fill in the essay on the last page of the application form. If you have to compose a cover letter but arent certain where to begin, here are a couple things you ought to be certain to have in your letter. The 2 forms are very unique. A student who develops a project that doesnt take the shape of a research paper must nonetheless submit a fifteen-page paper on her or his project, demonstrating how its a contribution to historical understanding. The significance of the expression distinction might vary according to distinct contexts. Another advantage of power vocabulary is it inherently highlights the skills an applicant has. If you have a certain language ability which may be relevant to an employer, you may include an abilities or languages section with that info. For students going into the work market, a Latin honor listed on a resume will probably impress a possible employ er. Students selected for College Honors will get a diploma noting the particular honor. Especially, in case you graduated with honors. In any close competition involving you and several different candidates, your hard-earned honors just may be the difference-maker you have to come out on top An Honors and Awards section is only the means to do that. Any normal activity that doesnt consist of attainment of an award, scholarship, or other means of recognition shouldnt be listed as an accomplishment ever since your capacity to be extraordinary has not yet been measured by means of an organization. If youre in college, attempt to prevent using honors you received in high school. Some programs might also need eligible students to compose an honors thesis or take part in an advanced seminar or set of honors courses to be able to prove their worthiness. Because grades arent official and the term isnt completed until after commencement, the present term grades arent taken into accou nt when recognizing Latin Honors at commencement.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

5 Tips to Balance Advising and Talent Sourcing for Clients

5 Tips to Balance Advising and Talent Sourcing for ClientsThe juggle is real.Most days, you simply dont have time to meet everyones expectations. Your right hand is sourcing top talent while the left is fielding urgent questions from clients.If the boundless tasks weigh you down, youre notlage alone. In fact, recruiters in the U.S. and Canada are among the busiest. Over 45 percent of respondents in those regions, in a 2017 Social Talent report, say they work more than 45 hours a week.Busy-ness rears its ugly head in various ways. It decreases productivity, increases stress, and leads to burnout. However, you obviously cant just stop hustling to meet deadlines or networking with talent. Besides, clients placing you at advisor status is not only an honor its good for future business.To better manage talent sourcing and advising, simultaneously, you must find your balance. We understand that achieving this kind of balance is no easy task so weve provided five tips to help you find your sweet spot1. Establish a clear communication strategy and stick to itSporadic communication is sometimes necessary. However, treating every notification as an immediate concern isnt reasonable. Allowing constant urgent distractions zaps productivity, meaning youre not doing clients or candidates any favors.Set realistic expectations from the start by creating a clear communication strategy. Map out the best times for clients to reach you with questions and concerns. Let them know how long it typically takes for you to reply. This way they know when to wait to follow up or can decide whether they need to reach out another way. Then, clearly explain to clients how their team can reach you if theres an emergency outside this time period. If it is known that is by phone, this allows you to turn off email notifications for a few hours when you need to focus on other tasks.Establish a clear communication strategy with clients and stick to it. recruitmentstrategyClick To Tweet2. Determin e where youre an expertIts easy to get caught in superhero mode when juggling your recruiter and trusted-advisor roles. But its more important to set appropriate limits than to solve every client problem.Sit down with clients to discuss their biggest pain points. Assess what areas youre actually equipped to address for them based on your skills and experiences. Draw the line where your professional offerings end. The benefits of clearly defining your strengths and setting these boundaries are two-fold. Youll receive fewer questions you cant quickly and easily answer. This frees up time in your schedule to tackle the obstacles you can handle. And clients wont waste time waiting for solutions while youre looking for information outside your expertise. They will know when to quickly turn to other resources. Its a win-win.3. Make resources readily availableYou know you are a valuable resource to clients. Your knowledge and experience help them successfully hire and retain top talent as the market shifts, technology evolves, and trends change.But when all of this information is kept in your head, clients have to come to you with every question. Providing clear direction and resources, however, means you wont have to field simple, repetitive questions. Create an FAQ with common questions you and your team see from both current and former clients. Answers to these questions may seem simple but will help clients troubleshoot numerous issues before contacting you. This grants you extra time to work on solving bigger problems and focus on acquiring new information and skills to keep in front of clients talent sourcing needs.Be prepared to answer clients questions before they become a reason for concern. talentsourcing recruiterClick To Tweet4. Be proactive, not reactiveRecognizing what issues send each client spiraling in stressful circumstances gives you the opportunity to take a proactive approach in advising them. Pay attention and listen intently to their concerns. This prevents you from reacting in the moment and ultimately brushing off something clients view as critical. For example, one client may not adjust to changes in your candidate review process as easily as another. Be sure to provide them with advance notice of any changes youre planning to make. Offer to jump on a quick call to walk them through. Another client may struggle with technology and frequently contact you to troubleshoot something their IT team could handle. Dont dismiss their concerns or embarrass them. Simply develop a system to quickly connect them with the right source of help.5. A/B test your scheduleWhen you arent able to achieve all your goals, you probably blame your overloaded schedule. However, while this is often a major factor, theres also the issue of understanding your peak productivity times. The way youve structured your current daily routine may not be the most effective way to focus your energy.For example, you could think its best to clear your inbox e arly in the morning. You feel less stressed going into lunch after responding to at least three client emails. However, you may not have all the answers you need and meeting that goal eats up the entire first half of your day.Finding balance with how you block your day requires stepping outside your comfort zone. A/B test your schedule. Write down when you were interrupted by notifications and if they negatively impacted your workflow. If they did disrupt your productivity, pencil in time to turn off your notifications. Then, test to see if this improves your workflow or if something else was the culprit of slowed productivity.Build out a strategy for optimizing your most productive times a day and youll feel the weight of your schedule lift day by day. As you discover more time to manage your responsibilities hiding right there in plain sight, youll find balancing the roles of recruiter and advisor easier and more rewarding.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Navy Equipment Operator (EO)

Navy Equipment Operator (EO)Navy Equipment Operator (EO)Equipment Operators in the Navy operate heavy transportation and construction equipment including trucks, bulldozers, backhoes, graders, forklifts, cranes, and asphalt equipment. Theyre like the construction foremen of the Navy, with duties similar to workers at quarries or construction sites. Duties for Navy Equipment Operators These sailors operate a wide variety of heavy-duty, self-propelled construction equipment for projects that include everything from building, roadway andpier construction to grading and excavation. That includes conducting maintenance and safety checks, and of course, preparing reports. Navy equipment operators (EOs) may also serve as members of a crane crew to rig cable assemblies and change attachments for various lifting and pile-driving operations, using and operating rock crushing and well-drilling equipment, reading and interpreting blueprints, and performing as blasters for construction projec ts. EOs are almost guaranteed towork in a variety of conditions, independently and as members of a large team. Their many different duties may be performed in climates ranging from tropical to arctic. Expect to spend a significant amount of time outdoors if you decide to enlist in this job. Training for Navy Equipment Operators After completing the requisite basic training (boot camp) at theRecruit Training Command in Great Lakes, Illinois, these sailors attend 92 days of technical school (known in the Navy as A-school) at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri. During A-school theyll learn the necessary procedures and protocols for handling and operating the Navys heavy equipment, and get the permits they need to operate the equipment safely when in the field. Qualifying as a Navy Equipment Operator To be eligible for this rating (as the Navy calls its jobs), youll need a combined score of at least 140 on the arithmetic reasoning (AR), mechanical comprehension (MC), and auto and sho p information (AS) segments of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests. Theres no Department of Defense security clearance needed for this rating since there isnt a lot of sensitive information being handled. But it does carry a 60-month (five-year) enlistment obligation, so you should be prepared for this significant commitment. In addition, sailors need normal color perception to qualify for this rating, meaning you cant be color blind. Youll need a valid drivers license, and a driving record free of DUI offenses and major accidents. Advancement opportunities and career progression, like all Navy and U.S. military jobs, are directly linked to a ratings manning level. Navy personnel in undermanned ratings have greater promotion opportunity than those in overmanned ratings. Sea/Shore Rotation for Equipment Operators First Sea Tour 54 monthsFirst Shore Tour 36 monthsSecond Sea Tour 54 monthsSecond Shore Tour 36 monthsThird Sea Tour 48 monthsThird Shore Tour 3 6 monthsFourth Sea Tour 36 monthsForth Shore Tour 36 months Sea tours and shore tours for sailors that have completed four sea tours will be 36 months at sea followed by 36 months ashore until retirement. Civilian Occupations Similar to Navy Equipment Operator Youll be qualified for a variety of civilian jobs on construction sites, and any company or agency that uses heavy equipment in its day-to-day operations.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Your cup of coffee is about to get a little more expensive

Your cup of coffee is about to get a little more expensiveYour cup of coffee is about to get a little more expensiveDeforestation has proved to be detrimental for two of the most popular coffee species,Arabica and Robusta.As previously reported, the extinction of these breeds presents several economic challenges for nations that rely on them as major exports. Additionally, climate change has injured coffee producers. Lower production demands higher costs.The wertzuwachs is predicted to fall from the 9 million bags reported last year, to 5 million bags this year.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreCoffee prices already on the riseThe spike in coffee prices isnt strictly an agronomy concern. Coffee culture in the west also goes a long way to influence the price of your morning java.Last year, Starbucks raised the price of its coffee by about 20 cents at most of its U.S. locations. A s aturated market similarly saw local shops raise their prices as well. With so many different options for consumers to choose from in any given area companies have become desperate for the slightest sign of incremental growth.When a big chain, such as Starbucks faces a maturing market, it will close down stores that are not profitable. But the company also will increase prices at high-performing stores to maximize the revenue it can create,Shawn Hacket, president of Hackett Financial Advisors, a Boca Raton, Florida based agriculture commodity analysis firm told WUSA9.The customer loyalty procured by local shops and coffee corporations alike, ensure we keep going back despite subtle price increases. Many of us rely on the stuff, and even with the already subtle rise in price, it really isnt all that expensive, relatively speaking. But will the accumulation of steadily rising coffee costs ever become too much?The increase is inventible fractionally, at any rate, is due to inflation. but more substantially because of the environmental oppositions plaguing coffees biggest distributors.Columbia and Brazils crop is expected to fall to about 1 million bags this year (Brazils decline owes itself to bad weather occurrences in December and January), and Central Americas crops are predicted to decline to about 1.5 million bags.Even slight changes in climate can dramatically disrupt the quality ofArabica. If farmers have to find alternative locations to grow the popular coffee breed, prices will potentially rise at the expense of quality.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Stop Using Your Private Industry Resume to Apply for Government Jobs on

Stop Using Your Private Industry Resume to Apply for Government Jobs on Stop Using Your Private Industry Resume to Apply for Government Jobs on Stop Using Your Private Industry Resume to Apply for Government Jobs on As a Federal Career Consultant and Federal Resume Writer, I am consulting with many federal job applicants who have submitted 100 to 400 job applications for federal jobs on USAJOBS by uploading their private industry resume. If you want to get Best Qualified for a federal position and hopefully get referred to a supervisor, you have to write a very specific style, content and format federal resume. Applying for a government job âۉ€œ as doing any business with the government âۉ€œ is complicated. Of course, the federal resume is NOT the same as the 2 page resume that a person uses for private industry job searches. Kathryn Troutman is a Federal Career Consultant, Author, Government Trainer and Industry leader in the Federal Resume Writing and Federal Career Consulting industry. Kathryn is seeing more and more first-time federal job applicants and reviewing their resumes to troubleshoot their lack of success in their federal job searches. Many jobseekers are applying as many as 400 times with no interviews or referrals to a supervisor. 14 OF THE MOST IMPORTANT TIPS FOR WRITING A SUCCESSFUL FEDERAL RESUME 1. LENGTH: Most Federal Resumes are 4 to 5 pages long. Mid-career professionals with 15 to20 years experience will have a 5 page federal resume. A 2 page private-industry resume WILL NOT WORK. 2. MORE DETAILS: You need to include more details about your duties and accomplishments in your last position or the most relevant position. The typical private-industry resume will have 8 to 10 bullets of information about each position. The federal resume duties section spells out what you did, usually in complete sentences. The position that is most relevant for the federal position could be an entire page long. 3. FORMAT: Make sure the resume is readable for human resources specialists who have hundreds of resumes to review to determine who is most qualified for their positions. Many private industry resumes consist of short statements with bullets. Many current federal employees write their resumes in huge block of type based on position descriptions. The best format is a reverse chronological Outline Format. The Outline Format features the top skills needed for the position. For a Public Affairs Specialist, the top skills could be: Media Specialist, Writer-Editor, Researcher / Analyst, Media Events Coordinator. 4. TYPEFONT: Feature the Top Skills in ALL CAPS, so that the busy human resources reviewer can find the skills they are seeking. 5. KEYWORDS: Add language and keywords from the vacancy announcement Duties and Specialized Experience into your federal resume. You can find the keywords by search for words that are repeated multiple times in the announcement; these could be technical terms or phrases that describe specific skills. 6. PROVE YOUR EXPERIENCE: You will see the USAJOBS vacancy announcements will tell you that they want to see One Year Specialized Experience in a certain field in your resume. The announcement will also suggest types of examples that can help to prove your experience. 7. 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE: The federal HR specialists typically read / scan the last 10 years of experience in your federal resume. The years before 10 years can be added to the resume, but keep that information shorter. 8. RECENT AND RELEVANT: The HR specialists will be looking for recent and relevant experience in your Work Experience Section. 9. MONTH, YEAR AND HOURS PER WEEK: It is imperative that you add the month and year and hours per week for your jobs. Since they have to see that you have One Year Specialized Experience in positions and level that are similar to this job, you will need to add this information to your resume. 10. SALARY: The federal resume in USAJOBS asks for your salaries for the last 10 years. They need to see your salaries in order to see your experience and judge the grade level that you could be qualified for in a government position. 11. COVER LETTER: You can add a cover letter into the USAJOBS account now, after Federal Hiring Reform. We recommend a cover letter to emphasize your specialized experience and most relevant training or experience for the position. 12. RECENT AND RELEVANT JOBS: You do NOT have to add every job into your USAJOBS Resume Builder. If you have short-term positions which were taken to earn cash for bills, you can leave it out. Yes, it will leave a little bit of blank time, but the HR specialist is really seeking the specialized experience. 13. 5 USAJOBS RESUMES: USAJOBS will allow you to upload 5 resumes. Create multiple resume versions for each announcement. Your original resume can be changed slightly to match a few keywords for each new announcement. 14. FEDERAL RESUMES MUST BE FOCUSED TOWARD AN OCCUPATIONAL SERIES WITH DIFFERENT KEYWORDS: If you are seeking a Program Analyst position, use the keywords and skills for the position. Keywords for the Program Analyst will be: Analyst, Research, Studies, Efficiency and Effectiveness, Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis, Briefings. If you are also seeking an Administrative Officer position, your keywords will be different: Operations, Budget Management, Supervision, Customer Services, Project Management.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

A Guide for Negotiating Salary With Job Candidates

A Guide for Negotiating Salary With Job Candidates A Guide for Negotiating Salary With Job Candidates Negotiating salary can be tricky for employers. Follow these steps so you’re fully prepared to discuss starting pay with creative job candidates. Locating the talent you need for your team can sometimes feel like a marathon. But you’ve finally found your best job candidate and the finish line is in sight. You can envision the person walking through the door on their first day - and the relief you’ll feel when you’ve wrapped up the hiring process. But it’s not over yet. In today’s highly competitive hiring environment, talented creative professionals often receive multiple job offers. And given their increased leverage, more job seekers feel empowered to negotiate their starting salary. As such, employers shouldn’t be caught off-guard during compensation discussions if a candidate requests more money. Another thing to consider is salary transparency: In a recent survey by The Creative Group, 77 percent of creative managers said their firms were transparent about pay. Sharing compensation information with job seekers can demonstrate a culture of fairness that's attractive to potential hires, but it's only one aspect of the hiring process. (See the full salary transparency survey results in the infograph below.)   Successfully negotiating salary with top creative candidates takes preparation, tact and follow-through. A little preparation of your own can help keep compensation discussions in a realm that works for both sides. Before negotiating salary with job candidates Do your research. Establish a salary range for the position before you start recruiting. Know the market value of the position you’re hiring for, factoring in years of experience, location and current demand for the skills required. Review resources such as The Creative Group 2019 Salary Guide, which features the average starting salary ranges for more than 80 creative positions. New data on benefits, incentives and perks are featured as well. (You can also use our Salary Calculator for a quick salary range customized for more than 135 cities across the country.) GET THE SALARY GUIDE During negotiations with your top choice Ask yourself how badly you need this particular person. If a candidate asks for a higher figure than you’ve offered, consider how difficult and time-consuming it would be to begin your search again? You have three options: agree, make a counteroffer or stand firm. In deciding what to do, consider both the value they would bring to the business and if there are other available candidates with a similar skill set. Offer non-cash compensation. Don’t get stumped if you can’t match a candidate’s salary request. Consider revisiting other parts of the compensation package, such as flexible scheduling or additional vacation days. Applicants often compromise on base salary if the total compensation package is attractive. A positive company culture, perks and professional development opportunities can be just as compelling as a bump in starting salary. Know your ceiling. Consider the existing pay levels for similar positions in your company. If you agree to a higher salary to win a stellar candidate, you risk lowering morale or even losing current staff if they find out a new hire is making more money than they are. Know when to walk away. If your candidate becomes evasive or difficult to reach, they may be waiting for another offer to come in or using your offer as leverage for a different position. Although some HR experts discourage pressing an uninterested candidate, if you still feel strongly about the candidate’s potential benefit to your team, tactfully try to find the reason for the hesitation. That being said, if you feel like the candidate is playing games or if you aren’t getting anywhere, thank the candidate for his or her time and then move on. Congrats! You’ve successfully made it through the negotiation - now seal the deal Get it in writing. Once you and the job candidate agree on a salary, benefits and a start date, have the candidate sign an offer letter to confirm that they agree to the terms. If you’re making a job offer contingent upon reference checks or background checks, make sure the offer letter says so. Build anticipation. The candidate likely needs to give notice at their current job, which means there will likely be two to three weeks between acceptance and start date. A lot can happen in that time. For instance, if the new hire is employed, their current company may make a convincing counteroffer. The more you stay connected through regular communication, the more excited and confident the person will be about working for your organization.

Monday, November 18, 2019

When an Employer Can Fire You By Phone or Emaill

When an Employer Can Fire You By Phone or Emaill When an Employer Can Fire You By Phone or Emaill Getting fired is difficult, even if you know that your job is in jeopardy, and even if your boss delivers the bad news as tactfully as possible. Getting fired over the phone â€" or by some other impersonal means â€" only makes a firing more painful. Your soon-to-be-former employer doesn’t have to be nice when they fire you. In most cases, they can let you go without notice or warning and tell you in any manner they choose. Can you get fired by phone call or email? Unless you are covered by an  employment contract  or state law that stipulates how you can be terminated, there are no restrictions on how an employer can fire you. Employers  can fire employees over the phone, by paper letter or email, in person - or even by sending a text message. Employer Termination Policies While an employer can fire you over the phone, or via text or email, this is not a typical company’s policy. Most employers know that these methods of firing would hurt staff morale. Word of harsh firings can reverberate through an organization and impact productivity and retention of key employees. Most employers create standard policies for firing and discharging staff. Typically, this includes a meeting with a Human Resources representative in which you go over the terms of your termination and leave detailed documentation of your separation, such as a signed document. The company may have provided a warning in advance and have given the employee the opportunity to improve performance. This is not a requirement unless stipulated by company policy or employment agreement. It isn’t good policy to discharge employees through email or text for a multitude of reasons. None of those reasons include  a legal prohibition against firing in such an impersonal way. In most cases, if your employer wants to send a youre fired text, they can. Unless your employment is covered by a personal or union  employment contract  that stipulates the method of communication that is required for a termination, your organization can convey that message in any way they choose. Typical Termination Process Almost all organizations do have a set process for discharging staff, which normally includes a meeting with a Human Resources or management representative who will go over benefits and any other conditions for your separation. Organizations also want solid documentation that you have received their  notice of termination, such as a signed document or registered mail receipt.   What To Do If You're Fired Regardless of how you are informed of a firing, make sure your employer provides all the benefits that are outlined in your employee manual or contract, like severance pay for unused vacation or sick pay. Avoid retaliating in a harsh way if your employer uses an inappropriate method to inform you of a termination. Although it might feel good at the moment to vent your feelings, any ill will that is created can backfire should future employers seek input about your background from your prior organization. Wrongful Termination While a firing over the phone or via text is not typically illegal, there are instances of  wrongful termination. Wrongful termination happens when an employee is discharged from employment for illegal reasons or if company policy is violated when the employee is fired. If you believe your termination was wrongful or you have not been treated according to the law or company policy, you can get help. The  US Department of Labor, for example, has information on each law that regulates employment and advice on where and how to file a claim. How to Handle Getting Fired Whether or not you were wrongfully terminated, it is important not to beat yourself up. Firings can happen to anyone. Rather than dwell on it, focus on what you should do next.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Take These Steps for Building Your Personal Brand Online

Take These Steps for Building Your Personal Brand Online Take These Steps for Building Your Personal Brand Online Take These Steps for Building Your Personal Brand Online For optimal online personal branding, craft an online persona that̢۪s consistent, professional, and engaging. Here̢۪s how. Are you looking to jumpstart your career goals and professional life? One of the best ways to do this is to start building your online personal brand. You exist online as much as in person, which is both a benefit and a detriment when you are planning to look for work. Here are some personal branding tips for crafting a sustainable online persona that works for you and boosts your job-search efforts. 1. Focus on where you are comfortable There are many social media platforms to consider when developing your online presence; however, you don't need to be active on all of them in order to build a strong professional brand. Instead, choose the platforms that work for you and best fit your professional brand and goals. Are you passionate about photography? Do you work in design? Maybe Instagram is the right platform to display your work. Do you like to write, but find social media generally overwhelming? Consider creating a WordPress blog where you can share your thoughts on relevant topics. Are you a highly-skilled presenter? YouTube may work for you. LinkedIn is also highly recommended for professionals who want to share their career goals and work experience, and it allows you to include the links to some of your other accounts. The goal here is quality, not quantity, so unless you're really excited about Twitter or other social channels, don't feel obligated to use them for your online personal branding! 2. Stay on topic We live in an age of oversharing. Once you focus your persona to the appropriate platforms, it's important to keep that persona targeted to your brand and audience. Does this mean you should only talk about work or professional goals? Of course not. But remember to focus on what your audience will be interested in, on the value that you can provide to them, and staying consistent across online platforms. 3. The internet is not Vegas What happens online doesn't stay online and privacy is more of a theory than a reality. This is extremely important to remember when building your personal brand online. You are crafting your persona and building a following based on your professional brand. If you have personal accounts that shouldn't be associated with your professional persona, consider deleting the profiles altogether. If you want to keep your personal social media profiles and keep them separate from your online professional persona, remember that privacy settings are imperfect. While no one expects you to be devoid of a life outside of work, keep in mind that potential clients and employers may still be able to see your personal pictures. Think twice before you post and consider changing the name on your profile to a nickname. 4. Be realistic While you may want immediate results and traffic, the reality is that building an online presence takes time and quality surpasses quantity. One of many personal branding tips is to remember that it'sbetter to post once a week or biweekly than to post daily and fill your space with meaningless information. Whatever your choice, good content is going to find its audience. A reader will have greater respect for a blog that publishes well-written and useful content once a week than one that constantly spams its readers with irrelevant filler. Find what works for you and stay consistent. Building your personal brand online is similar to building a career. Work on it slowly and you focus on doing it right. Unlike people, the internet doesn't forget, so it's important to set out within your comfort level, stay consistent, focus on long-term goals, and build something you enjoy that is sustainable. Not sure if your resume is really showcasing you and your professional brand? Submit for a free resume review and get a second opinion! Recommended Reading: Why LinkedIn is Important: 7 Reasons to Polish Your Profile Today Why You Should Google Yourself to Monitor Your Online Personal Brand Should You Include Social Media on Your Resume?

Saturday, November 16, 2019

I work for a boy band fan site

I work for a boy band fan site I work for a boy band fan site A reader writes: I have a question regarding job or volunteer experience that could be considered sort of embarrassing. I recently took over as a site administrator (or as the site wants to call me webmistress but that seems awkward and dominatrix-y to me) of a fan site for a well-known 90s boy band. It was never something I planned to do, but sort of fell into my lap as the original site creator was retiring and wanted someone who knew the back end of the website to take over. I was hesitant to take on another volunteer project, but in the end decided to step in when I realized that it could only help build my skills as a social media marketer and content creator. My question is whether or not its appropriate to put this kind of experience on my resume. Obviously, Im not embarrassed to like the group how could I be if I curate news about them every day but its not something that has ever come up in a professional setting before, and I dont know how potential employers might respond. On the one hand, I feel like Im already working against the entitled young person label, and drawing attention to the fact that I have a slight obsession with a boy band from the 90s might reinforce the young and inexperienced stereotype. On the other, Im adding quantifiable achievements to my resume if I can announce that Ive increased unique page views by 15% in a 2-month period or Ive successfully run an internet event celebrating an anniversary for the group that resulted in a 50% increase in video views, 12% increase in Facebook followers and 300% increase in interaction. What are your thoughts? Put it on there. First, as you point out, it gives you quantifiable achievements, and thats great. Achievements are achievements, and no amount of soulful crooning or heavily choreographed  dance moves can take away from that. Second, its going to jump out to lots of people simply because of its novelty value and theyre going to ask you about it. As long as you have a sense of humor about it, this will be a good thing. Third, please immediately  tell us who it is. You can read an update to this post  here.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Professor Adam Grant Shares 3 Questions to Ask in a Job Interview

Professor Adam Grant Shares 3 Questions to Ask in a Job Interview Professor Adam Grant 2 you have any questions for them. When  its your turn to query a potential employer, it pays to be ready with smart questions. To be sure- whether youre in a one-on-one dialogue or a group session- it can feel as though one misstep by you could derail the whole job application process.  Adam Grant, an author and professor at the University of Pennsylvanias Wharton School of Business, offers some great possibilities that can make you as a job candidate look both smart and prepared when a job interviewer turns the tables. A recent  blog post at Government Executive  called Grant  a rock-star management professor- and hes a great resource for meaningful strategies about questions to ask at a job interview.  Grant  is also coauthor of the bestselling book Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy  with Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg. On his blog, Granted, Grant answered a question from a reader who asked, What are three  great questions to ask an interviewer to determine if you would fit in with the company? From expert Adam Grant, here are three  great questions to ask in  a job interview: 1. What’s something that happens at this organization but wouldn’t elsewhere? As noted in Grants blog, this is a great question to help a prospective employee figure out office culture, which can be critical even for remote employees who will be working from home. Getting a good feel for how the company functions for in-office workers can help remote workers know what to expect in their virtual work environments. An underlying point of this question is to understand what makes this company different from others in its approach to dealing with employees no matter where they work. The question also goes to the organizations core values, which can help both you and the employer determine if youre a fit with the companys culture. 2. If you could change one thing about this organization, what would it be- and how would you do it? This question really turns the tables because it asks the interviewer to focus on what may not be quite perfect at the company. Its a potentially brilliant way to get insight about how the organization works, and what challenges the company may face. To be sure, you dont want to appear to be challenging the interviewer or playing tit-for-tat by putting them on the spot after theyve just questioned you. Instead, it can be a way to engage the employer in a meaningful way, and demonstrate in your response that youve researched the company and can talk about its operation and its mission. 3. Can you draw a picture of the organization? If a pictures worth a thousand words, then challenging a job interviewer to draw a depiction of the organization is one way to get a (hopefully) simplified look at how the company works. If you can get a streamlined picture that shows a clear organizational flow (either top-down or more circular), thats a good thing. If the picture starts looking like a plate of spaghetti with lines going in all directions- well, not so good. But note this: Grant suggests its probably a good idea in most cases to ask this question after  you have an offer to avoid the risk of looking, well, a little weird and putting an offer in jeopardy. However, if its an unorthodox company, it may be OK to ask the draw me a picture question before you have an offer in hand. Use your best judgment. In addition to Grants great suggestions, here are some other possible questions to ask at a job interview, especially if youre looking for remote work: How committed is the company to flexible work? What happened to the person who previously held this job? If its a new position, why was it created? Are there any other concerns or questions you have about my background and qualifications? Whats the time frame for filling this position? What are the next steps- where do we go from here? And of course, have a plan in place about actions to take while youre waiting to hear back from a job interview. Following through with a thank-you note after a job interview  is always smart. Keep your note short, but use it as an opportunity to reiterate your interest and qualifications for the position. Check Out More Job Interviewing Tips

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The cities with the highest (and lowest) income inequality

The cities with the highest (and lowest) income inequality The cities with the highest (and lowest) income inequality Life would be a lot different if we were all paid equally.There’s no telling whether we could all get along living by the same means or if we would end up in some pseudo-dystopia universe a la  The Giver.Alas, we don’t all make the same. Some of us live the life of luxury. Some of us cringe at the thought of paying an extra $2.39 for  shipping.There are areas of the country that are more equal than others, however.We looked at the  states with the highest and lowest income inequality  a few months back.Now, we decided to see what metro areas have the highest and lowest income inequality.These are the 10 cities with the highest income inequality: Atlanta, GA New Orleans, LA Miami, FL College Station, TX Providence, RI Cincinnati, OH Fort Lauderdale FL New York, NY Sandy Springs, GA Tampa, FL And here are the 10 cities with the lowest income inequality: West Jordan, UT Surprise, AZ Gilbert, AZ West Valley City, UT Thornton, CO Temecula, CA Pearland, TX Highlands Ranch, CO Lewisville, TX Fontana, CA Some big names in there, but also a couple smaller areas, too. What does this all tell us?Summary of findings Atlanta ranks as the metro with the highest income inequality New Orleans and Miami round out the top three Florida  is home to four of the top 20 metros with the highest income inequality West Jordan, UT has the lowest income inequality Five states â€"  Utah, Arizona,  Colorado, California, and  Texas  Ã¢€" comprise 14 of the 15 metros with the least income inequality How we did itFor this analysis, we went to the American Community Survey 2012-2016 dataset.We then analyzed the  Gini coefficient  for each city with over 100,000 people in America where the higher the coefficient the larger the higher the income inequality.You can read that link for a detailed explanation of the Gini coefficient, but at a high level it is a normalized measure of inequality.Note that we scaled it by 100 for readability. To give you some perspective, here are some Gini coefficients for countries as a whole, according to data from the  Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: The United States ranks as the 7th most unequal country in the world, with a Gini coefficient of 39.1% South Africa is the most unequal country in the world as far as income inequality goes, with a Gini coefficient of 62% Costa Rica was the next most unequal country, with a Gini coefficient of 48% Brazil, Mexico, and Chile round out the five most unequal countries Iceland has the most equal income distribution, with a Gini coefficient of 24.6% Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Finland round out the five most equal countries Just for kicks and gigs, we thought we’d throw in the median cost of rent and median home values in the cities we analyzed, to give you a better of idea of how much it costs to live there.This  article  first appeared on  Zippia.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Auto Mechanic CV Example 2018s Top Sample

Auto Mechanic CV Example â€" 2018’s Top Sample Auto Mechanic CV Example - 2018’s Top Sample Create this Resume ObjectiveTo be able to work as Auto Mechanic in a reputed automobile company and contribute to its developmentPersonal InformationMichael Wolfe3902 Hill Haven DriveWaco, TX 76701(222)-205-6488m.wolfe@sampleresume.netDate of Birth: May 6, 1979Place of Birth: Chicago, ILCitizenship: AmericanGender: MaleProfile Summary Extensive experience in auto industry Proven track record in major repairs Strategic techniques in repair and designEducationM.S. in Mechanical Engineering, 2006Wichita State University, Wichita, KSB.S. in Automotive Engineering, 2002Wichita State University, Wichita, KSEmployment HistoryAuto Mechanic, 2007 PresentCARS 2 GO, Helena, MTResponsibilities: Ensured prompt and quality delivery of services. Inspected various vehicles imported from Europe. Recommended appropriate repair works. Lubricated engines of mobile and racing cars. Provided assistance to other auto mechanics.Asst. Auto Mechanic, 2006 2007Motorbile, Helena, MT Examined the components u sed in the vehicles in isolating problems. Sent feedback regarding status of repair to the production department. Performed tuning and commissioning. Detected faults of vehicles. Ensured that all parts and bearings of the vehicles are properly cleaned.ResearchN/ATrainingTraining in NATEFAwardBest Engine Design, 2005Professional MembershipAmerican Auto Mechanic AssociationSkillsBody repair operationsDamage AnalysisRepair EstimationMotivated leaderAutoCAD Customize ResumeMore CV Samples:Adjunct Professor CV Admin Clerk CV Administrative Assistant CV Attorney CV Auto Mechanic CV

Monday, November 11, 2019

A third of workers have left a job because of caregiving responsibilities

A third of workers have left a job because of caregiving responsibilities A third of workers have left a job because of caregiving responsibilities There’s a flashpoint in caregiving on the horizon that will affect both workers and employers, new research from Harvard Business School shows, as more Americans enter the age where they will be expected to care for their children and aging parents simultaneously, as well as an increase of single parents. The report focuses on the current reality and offers advice on how employers can help employees with their caregiving load by offering benefits that would specifically help them.More and more employees are going home to a second job. Three-quarters of US workers surveyed by Harvard Business School are caretakers for at least one dependent person â€" be it a child, ill spouse, parent, or elderly relative. Rising costs in health care and professional caregiving mean they have to do it themselves, at least most of the time. Naturally, this double shift competes with workers’ time and energy at work, and 80% say their caregiving affects their performance on the job.Sometimes, caregi ving and working aren’t compatible at all. A third of caregivers have said they’ve had to leave a job (voluntarily) because of their caregiving responsibilities. A higher number of men (38%) left their jobs over caregiving than women (27%).Employer-employee divideMost employers aren’t aware of the strain their employees are under, according to the report, and therefore workers don’t get the support they need. 52% of employees do not keep track of their employees’ caregiving responsibilities. And only 24% of employers responded that caregiving might have an influence on workers’ performance.Employees, in turn, cost the company in terms of turnover, as well as “productivity costs such as absenteeism and presenteeism.” They are also reluctant to disclose they are caregivers, for fear it might have a negative effect on their opportunities at work. 59% agreed with the statement: “Caregivers are perceived to be less committed to their careers than non-caregivers.” Sign ificantly more men (40%) than women (25%) agreed with that statement.Meanwhile, 63% of employers agreed with the statement: “My organization has an inclusive culture that treats caregivers fairly,” showing just how far apart the two sides are on the issue.The most common factors that contributed to caregivers quitting were the unaffordability of paid help for caregiving (53%), being unable to find qualified paid caregiving help that was trustworthy (44%), and the inability to meet work responsibilities because of increased caregiving responsibilities (40%).Here is an area where the employer could step in, according to the report, and “view the issue of caregiving through the lens of talent management, rather than exclusively as another potential expensive benefit.”After all, caregiving often isn’t just a one-time event, like maternity leave. According to the AARP, “42% of caregiving “provide support to at least one of their parents, 15% for a friend, neighbor, or anoth er non-relative, 14% for a child with special needs, 12% for a spouse or partner, 7% for a parent-in-law, and 7% or a grandparent or grandparent-in-law.”As the research shows, caregiving is a part of life. It’s time for employers â€" and benefits â€" to catch up.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Biggest Myth About Builders on Line Exposed

The Biggest Myth About Builders on Line Exposed Our dedicated account managers are in a position to provide ideas and help with large complex orders, ensuring our customers have the ability to order the perfect products at the very best price. Clients need to be able to acquire your shop from their device that's mobile without hassles. Therefore quotes are prepared by vendors and organizations to enable the customer know more about the value or price of work a vendor is going to do for him in future. The best section of an online resume builder is that you're able to create a winning resume without needing to be concerned about any of the aforementioned. The world is growing increasingly visual especially the on-line world. When the work is finished, the home operator must sign off payment to the builder. The 2 men went out searching for the ideal place to construct the home. Professional resume writers understand the significance of their work, so they are always account able for the very best result. Unfortunately, most job applicants don't recognize the significance of offering a really impressive resume. As opposed to finalize a concrete story at the beginning of the undertaking, the development team instead centered on the forms of materials and items the player are able to take advantage of, only beginning work on the story when the team was happy with the tools they had created. A work search is a hard procedure, so candidates need professional and timely aid. The plan was put back on my building board and all the initial pieces for the stab are prepared to go. Play about with various looks and styles to make sure that you have selected the very best design or read the expert career advice to be certain that your resume is ticking all the essential boxes. You're able to add or delete any sections you prefer. It is possible to add customized sections, or delete sections also. The percent of the population utilizing the broadband connec tion at the same time also needs to be factored in, so you can want to obtain a faster plan in the event the household consists of online gamers along with movie buffs. Quotes are believed to be a very first step towards a sale transaction that may make or break a deal that's the reason quotes ought to be drafted carefully with complete information and reasonable price. The 30-Second Trick for Builders on Line Buying computer is a huge investment so ensure you get professionals to build it for you. Some SiteBuilder plans consist of absolutely free advertising and marketing credits provided by third party vendors that can be redeemed by customers located in the usa only. Neither does this draw any offers. In case of a dispute either the builder must continue until the job is satisfactory or an unaffiliated surveyor gives a last verdict on whether the contract was fulfilled satisfactorily. All forms and applications you'll need, together with step-by-step instructions of the l icensing approach. The instructions to cancel or disable automated renewal are available here. After completing the on-line registration, you will get a confirmation email containing the login link which you will want to access the platform. Whatever the computer game you would like to play, our PCs will provide enough power, speed and upgrade alternatives to suffice. If you are searching for a computer store to purchase gaming computers, you've found it! Regardless of the processor manufacturer you would like, our computer site provides the very best. You've come across one of the greatest regions to customize a computer. When you're able to circumvent that, you will locate their builder that's website easy make usage of. There are a lot of professional resume template that can be found on the net from which you'll be able to make out some idea about how to construct a professional curriculum vitae using best resume builder websites. Its integrated form editor is just one of the best of all of the website builders. When finished, it is simple to toggle between different templates to find out what looks best for the last product. You also receive a completely free domain, unlimited email accounts and the ability to establish an eCommerce shop. The utmost effective 7 eCommerce that's best Internet Site Builders Utilizing the advent of internet site builders, it's feasible for anybody regardless of technical ability to produce their particular store that's online customers will like. Bear in mind that the usability is the most essential factor of a site builder. Each building wing includes a various shared housing typology in order to supply options for tenants who might prefer different housing arrangements. Our capacity to buy materials at volume discounts enables us to pass savings on to you. Our deidcated trade team can aid you with your purchase and make certain you get what you want when you want it. There are a lot of basic forms of resumes used to make an application for job openings.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Argument About Resume/cv Means

The Argument About Resume/cv Means Companies may request a cover letter or samples of your work (like articles you might have written). Many work in the public service or academia will take a thorough CV to be submitted as a member of a work application. If it comes to CV's, some employers are extremely specific about what they would like you to include and the way the info needs to be laid out. When looking for a work online, there are times when you will notice employers requesting a CV rather than a resume. Read your CV as though you were the organization you're applying to. You can also incorporate volunteer positions, especially if you are a new applicant or have had employment gaps. In a CV, by way of example, if you're asking for work in education, you may want to place your teaching experience near the top of your CV. For instance, even in North America, there are particular circumstances where a CV is required. When applying for certain positions in the usa, and jobs internationally, you could be asked to submit a curriculum vitae instead of a resume. Together with the UK Essay Help undergraduates can't be concerned about the time but delight in a complete life. Locating a graduate job can be exceedingly hard. PaperCoach can assist you with all your papers, so take a look at the moment! The 5-Minute Rule for Resume/cv Means You should not presume that your mean is going to be one of your initial numbers. The absolute most important thing to consider is that the info you place up front should be the absolute most important for the CV's purpose. If you do publish your changes, you shouldn't be asked to notify anyone particularly, or in any specific way. To figure the mean, simply add each one of your numbers together. To locate the median, your numbers must be listed in numerical order from smallest to largest, and that means you might have to rewrite your list before you're able to discover the median. It's possible to just count in from both ends of the list till you meet in the center, if you want, particularly if your list is short. For example, the list doesn't include changes in asides, formatting, spelling, punctuation, or other regions of the page. Below, you will locate a list of resume examples that may aid you with your work search. Past the normal fare is an array of sections that may be included, based on what sort of employer you're applying to. In the procedure, the function of the central bank has gotten a lot more pivotal. Of you wish to write as part of your private brand statement. Since you'll see in each individual example resume, you can leverage the expert overview to find a hiring manager's interest. Finding the Best Resume/cv Means The k-means algorithm doesn't support multiple instance learning, where the training set is composed of labeled bags, every one of which is a set of unlabeled instances. 1 method is to sequentially check each file, starting from'''', till you have the proper data. Apart from beginning with your contact info, there's no normal format for a CV. Be reasonable once you quote the figure. Employing a resume builder is a time-effective means of producing professional-looking outcomes. Many times, the application instructions for a specific position will state whether or not a CV or resume is requested. It ought to be original and well-written. Ucas application form is it provides the capability to read. If you're asking for a coding job, mention that you've worked with Java script. The application is now at end-of-life and we're working to discover a new solution. The same is true for PostgreSQL.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Tried and True Method for Google Drive Resume Templates in Step by Step Detail

The Tried and True Method for Google Drive Resume Templates in Step by Step Detail Top Google Drive Resume Templates Choices The net has tutorial after tutorial on how to make a budget on Excel. Google desktop is an excellent tool that will help you manage, organize and hunt for several files stored in your PC. There are lots of sites that provide templates free of charge. If you would like do well, locate a layout which best promotes your content. A History of Google Drive Resume Templates Refuted Internet connection can at times play the spoilsport particularly when you are working on a slow web connection as you won't have the ability to use most Google Docs features with a slow connection. Both services incorporate a suite of desktop apps that may be obtained and delivered over the web, and offer users with mobility and immediate accessibility to their documents wherever they, for as long as they have a compatible device and an online connection. Nowadays, it has grown in to one of the most popular email services adopted by the majority of users the world. If you opt to enable for your business, you can instant message using Google Chat. Another latest revolution in the area of open source documents is the arrival of Google docs. Before you may set up an entire website in Google sites, you'll need to purchase and host a domain name. With Google Docs, you'll have accessibility to your document from anywhere you've got an online connection. Office Suite Every business has to have an office program suite. If you currently have a Gmail account, you will have the ability to link the 2 services together. If you don't have a Google account, go right ahead and create one. Therefore, if you use Internet Explorer you could have a different experience. As a consequence, you may use all of Google services, like Google docs, Google reader, Google maps and so forth. You may wish to go to Google Drive. The New Fuss About Google Drive Resume Templates As a consequence, companies can analyze the performances of unique departments a whole lot more accurately and with a great deal more efficiency. My company utilizes numerous virtual assistants. The business has been adding a growing number of features to produce the services more user-friendly. Many such businesses offer you varied packages with diverse features, among which a user can select the one which suits his needs best. After clicking on the folder icon, a list of folders which you have will appear and you'll choose where to put your file. So you will need to compare the quantity of files in the zip folder with the variety of files in GDocs. You will stay in the folder, and that means you will now must click on All Items on top of the left hand menu. Pick the zip folder completely, attach and email. Each program will provide you with slightly different options as to what sort of file you may download it as. There's a safe submission option available for a modest monthly fee. The 5-Minute Rule for Google Drive Resume Templates You may click share and invite the person for a collaborator. The very first thing you ought to do is to visit your drive. There are lots of ways you are able to share your document with somebody else without needing to email it. It is possible to share documents publicly or privately inside an organization or with specific men and women. Today, as a result of computers and the world wide web, anybody can get online and avail of a large collection of tools to aid in improving their writing skills. As a consequence your company gets more productive and even portable! The internet gives the ideal value for you to promote your company. Because it is so ubiquitous, it is the often the first place that people go to find information.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Unusual Mystery Into How to Write a Cover Letter for Resume

The Unusual Mystery Into How to Write a Cover Letter for Resume What You Need to Know About How to Write a Cover Letter for Resume Should you need inspiration, here are a few examples of excellent opening lines to utilize in your cover letter. It is essential that you maintain your cover letters confined to a single page. There are at least hundreds of free resume cover letter examples on the web. Don't forget to incorporate the date on every cover letter, along with your telephone number, which ought to be underneath your address at the very top of the letter. Generally, a covering letter is nothing but that, a letter to cover the information that may be discovered on the Resume itself. You just have to prepare a productive cover letter if you'd like to secure a good job. Target A cover letter ought to be tailored to a certain firm. At this time, your task is simply to start. Applying for over 1 job Sometimes, you might believe that you're qualified to do two unique jobs (that are posted in precisely the same ad). Dedicate an opportunity in order to center on it and you always have the option to anticipate an interview and eventually a teaching job. 1 thing to understand about how to compose a resume is not to list every skill you've got, especially if they're not linked to the job for which you're applying. To conclude, the best way to realize top notch results, is to keep it simple, maintain a single style and stay with it. If you've held a similar position before, now is an excellent time to say so. In short, writing a winning objective plays a huge part for success. The procedure on how best to compose a winning resume by way of utilizing an objective is easy because the candidate will just need to modify their very own objective statement in the way it will match with the requirements needed by the work opening which is being applied to. A cover letter is the very first thing the hiring personnel are likely to see. While concluding the letter, also demonstrate that you're keen on the job and will get in contact further with the recipient to talk about the position. In the introductory paragraph, you should enumerate all skills that are significant to the job that you're applying for. The very first is simple, you would like to highlight your qualifications for the position that you're applying for, and answer any obvious questions regarding your resume your prospective employer could have. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About How to Write a Cover Letter for Resume Is Wrong With your resume letter you've got to assure the prospective employers that you're not going anywhere. It's quite easy to repair spelling mistakes nowadays. Cover letters ought to be no longer than 1 page in length, longer only in some specific conditions. Your letter is an opportunity to demonstrate the reader that you are able to co mmunicate effectively, clearly, and in a manner which they want to hear. The How to Write a Cover Letter for Resume Chronicles Put numbers to everything that you do. If you've already gone through a few contracts, you will be aware of what you should do. Typically, there's a code provided, along with a typical job title. Imagine your advantage as soon as your letter is optimized to create the telephone ring every moment. If you do think there's a shared interest, I would greet the opportunity to meet up with you to hear more regarding your company, the necessities of the position, and the way my skills would be a fantastic fit. The aim of your company card resume is to take part in an interaction with the man or woman to receive them to remember you. If you're asking for a job as an advertising manager, your interest in building model cars isn't likely to be too impressive. Then use a story to highlight how you are going to boost their core enterprise. At this time, take a couple of minutes and consider what you need to share with the employer. A resume doesn't need to be ordered chronologically, doesn't need to cover your entire career like and is a very customizable document. It's always advisable to prevent italic type. Most hiring managers don't have the opportunity to sift through all the info in one single resume. Utilize your cover letter to impress the prospective employer that you've got the experience and abilities essential for the vacancy. Also tell about your accomplishments, skills related to the job that you are trying to get. If your resume lacks the proper search phrases, employers won't ever know you exist.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to Choose D&D Resume

How to Choose D&D Resume You don't need to force your life as a way to get what you would like. Even though you may hate your work, the very last thing you will need is to be unemployed and without an income. Because it feels like it'll be quite some time before getting a paid position, you must settle for something different. Proceed to places where you need to work and watch for an opportunity there. D & D Resume - Overview Try to remember, you don't need to be unhappy at work. Instead, you would like to go in right at the exact top of the career ladder. The two aren't mutually exclusive. Lastly, you enter your career chronology, listing the latest positions first and working backward. D & D Resume - the Story Simultaneously, all refugees who take part in sex work whether they view it like a job or a survival tactic share exactly the same rights and ought to be entitled to exactly the same assortment of services, information and support choices. Time is e xtremely valuable and it needs to be always utilised to accomplish optimum benefits and I think it shouldn't be played around with I belive that weakness is the initial amount of strength, given the best attitude and driving force. Men and women have a tendency to equate an overall discharge with an honorable one. The Do's and Don'ts of D & D Resume Individuals will take 1 look at your application and laugh you from the building. The fact is that, initially you're just a bit of paper. TV has done some wonderful things for me and everybody in the enterprise. Introducing D & D Resume Bear in mind that as with anything online, after your video file is out there, you cannot control the way that it's shared. Once you register for your free account, and you've detailed your location and credentials inside your profile, you will be prompted to create your Profile Video. Video resumes do put a face on your resume, and that's often thought of as part of the possible problem. If you're taking the internet route a little more seriously, there are different options which you may look at. Feilim Mac An Iomaire was unsuccessful in locating work in Ireland and feared he would need to emigrate so as to obtain employment. Hey, you even opt to explore the background of the organization and ensure that you know everything about it. Unless you're a desired professional, job hunt isn't the sort of activity you would delight in doing very often. The matter with changing your work title is the fact that it won't match your employment history. In addition, should you're attempting to find a job which is outside your existing specialty, you want to TARGET your resume to prove to the hiring manager you have the skills to do the job. Furthermore, job titles can be useful tools you may use to look for jobs in your industry. As a way to channel optimistic thoughts, it's necessary for you to understand what it is you even need to be thinking about. When things begin to get tough, it is possible to lose it one step at a moment. Revealing our weaknesses is among the very last things in the world we would like to do, whether we're looking for employment, pursuing a relationship, or simply talking to friends. The Tried and True Method for D & D Resume in Step by Step Detail Considering you will not be using many graphic elements, you must permit the typography do a great deal of the talking. You'll most likely be very very good at writing advertising. Utilize these tools to make sure your resume is all up to the standard. Knowing the difference between both might be the very first step in finding out your energy style. You may opt to use other methods to greet your unknown reader. Let's look at two resume header examples. The best method to do that's to have a look at a few examples.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Little-Known Secrets to Graphic Design Resume Examples

The Little-Known Secrets to Graphic Design Resume Examples A logo isn't restricted to a site, but it's also utilized in different soft and hard copies, including flyers, posters, banners, and company card designs. It is something that can hold everything. You should use an obvious design when getting your logo created. Your logo design needs to be representative of your company, and it must have the quality to pull people towards it. Finding the most suitable company to acquire your ideal logo designed is important. There are lots of examples of famous brands that redesigned their logo to receive a better place in their various industry. You should prefer to have a very simple logo for your brand so it can find more attention of the viewers. No matter if you're obtaining a new logo for your organization or redesigning the logo of a current company, you need to pick a logo that could symbolise your brand accurately. The Lost Secret of Graphic Design Resume Examples Most work in your portfolio ought to be that specialty. Assemble is an absolutely free on-line portfolio sites, a place is able to make your awesome portfolio projects very well displayed. Lastly, you could rework your portfolio to be sure it stays relevant. You have to give them a reason to come back to your portfolio. Show which you know the business inside and out. Businesses can spend big amounts to acquire their preferred logo, so you'd be lucky to receive a good one for less than $500. The organization also needs to be offering unlimited revisions so that you are able to get what precisely you desire. As it continues to make money and grow, so do you. Because there are several designers working at various price points and experience levels, you want to have some criteria in place to get the person who is suitable for you. The best thing of producing resumes is to describe each section in short detail. Alternatively, you may always do a side project. If you just have a couple of good projects about the job that you want, you may want to round it out with some personal work. An enjoyable component of the graphic design field is that there's the chance to induce change. Once you are aware that the designer can manage the reach of the undertaking, check to determine if they've completed any work with others in your industry before. Do showcase the sort of work you wish to do professionally. Think of graphic design samples as a weapon, which you might strategically produces to be in a position to target a specific work and to receive one's heart of the business. Someone with experience will understand how to select the correct colours, typography, and other design selections for your industry. Though a new designer's portfolio is going to have an eclectic range of work, a seasoned designer's should be more focused. The plan of your portfolio ought to be functional and ought to function as a backdrop to strengthen your work. Hence, you should be aware of how much you would like to spend on the graphic design of your enterprise website. Most designers use just one or some of them and find the results they require. Every graphic designer needs to be ready to work long hours. Locating a great graphic designer may be tricky approach. A graphic designer who doesn't wish to get corrected is not really good enough because they may wind up disappointing customers. Then, naturally, everybody is clamouring for their designs and throwing huge amounts of money at them. If you're likely to complete your portfolio with fake work, one of the greatest means by which you can is by copying different individuals. How you speak about your work is so critical, particularly if you're entering a senior role where presenting and defending work a part of it. Sometimes your very best work may not be the absolute most relevant to the goal you're attempting to achieve. A location where you can share your thoughts and enable individuals to connect with you. After having seen your set of works, individuals will certainly want to work with you. When it isn't said everywhere, then attempt to get in touch with the business to ask who is anyone accountable for it. Show you may solve problems, and you will reveal that you're worth hiring.